Officials Clinics
Whether you are brand new to officiating, a less experienced official or an official looking to reach your maximum potential to take the next step in your career, our developmental clinics are designed to help you achieve your goal.
Why You Should Attend a Clinic!
Learn Correct Positioning
Ever feel like you're working hard, but not seeing the entire play? US Lacrosse clinicians will explain how to get into the best positions, and how to adapt your posit ion depending on how play develops
Practice Your Mechanics!
You cannot change what you do not know needs changing! US Lacrosse Clinicians are adept at recognizing when your officiating skills need to be tweaks, and are experts in delivering that feedback in meaningful ways.
Review game film
Much of the classroom session of US Lacrosse clinics is devoted to film review. This helps all attendees learn about their penalty threshold, and what the clinicians will look for regarding mechanics and positioning.