CIF allows for mileage to be added to game fees. This is calculated by determining the mileage from when an umpire first enters an assignment area to the location of the game. This does not include the mileage from your home to the assignment area, but would include the mileage if you live in said assignment area. This is an easy fix if it is missed in Arbiter and if you believe you are entitled to mileage please contact me to have it added to your game.
The website to determine mileage for OC is:
The website to determine mileage for Riverside is
To determine mileage use the first HS you would encounter en-route to your game if you are coming from out of the assignment area or the closest to your origin if you start in the assignment area.
This is what is stated in the CIF Blue Book.
Section 1211.5 Authorize payment of fees.
A. A flat fee will be used to compensate officials for round‐trip travel based on the following scale:
51 ‐ 75 miles = $13.00
76 ‐ 125 miles = $19.00
126 ‐ 175 miles = $31.00
176 ‐ 250 miles = $43.00
251 ‐ 350 miles = $55.00
351 ‐ 450 miles = $73.00
451 miles and above = For distances beyond 450 miles, the following formula will be utilized:
Begin with $73.00, which represents 450 miles round trip
Add $2.40 for every 15 additional miles traveled round trip
Example: 525 miles round trip = $73.00 (First 450 miles)
Additional 75 miles = $12.00 (75 divided by 15 = 5, multiplied by $2.40) Total mileage
reimbursement = $85.00
B. The origination point for official’s mileage will be determined in the following
1. Regular Season ‐ From the official’s home residence within the assignment area, to the location of their contest. Officials who live or work outside their assignment area will only be compensated for mileage from the point they enter their assignment area. All officials are entitled to mileage if they drive separately to contests.
2. Playoffs ‐ From the location of the meeting place for the officials association.
Note: For playoffs only, mileage will be paid to the Head Official of all officiating crews in all sports.